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   It's out.

Posted on 02.08.2021 at 11:34 (GMT +1) by blurry99

Dream Edition is out. Download today!

  The DreamProject Team's first anniversary! Updates on Revision 3.

Posted on 27.07.2021 at 22:10 (GMT +1) by blurry99

Writing this article few days earlier since on 28th of July, I'm going onto a family trip and I won't be home on 31st.

It's 2021, the first year of "The DreamProject Team" lead by blurry99 (officialandriey), and I'm extremely happy that we came so far. I can announce that the whole idea, was a success for me and the retro tech community. I've seen many people showing us photos or screenshots of Windows 98 Dream Edition, either on virtual machines or actual PCs! I'm giving you huge thanks for supporting us!



   Dream Edition Revision 2 development resumed and (probably nearly done for release)

Posted on 07.05.2021 at 13:20 (GMT +1) by officialandriey

So after, well a flat month gap from development I've finally gathered myself and started to improve Revision 2 (now named Revision 02 after well, Zero Two, don't judge me ok?). So when I paused the development I already had integrated KernelEx which kinda stands on a question mark (it might not work as correctly as it should but you get the point). Yesterday (in Poland) I've implemented 3 modded VXDs which are PatchMEM modded, so in theory, Windows 98 Dream Edition should have up to 3GB of RAM support. Also added 3 new wallpapers from the "Wallpaper Contest" that was ongoing on the Razorback (those will be organized from time to time). If you submitted your wallpaper and it's not integrated please contact me over here.

I've sent Build 40 for testing to some selected beta testers.

Any release date yet? Hoping for somewhere at end of May.

Thank you for your patience and see you in your dreams!

first screenshot of a successful boot of Revision 02 (06.05.2021)

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Life updates (up to 3 posts):

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   Why I changed my nickname to "blurry_"

posted by blurry_ (officialandriey) on 06.06.2021 at 21:42 (GMT +1)

From recent times I've gone through some problems with my mental health. I felt annoyed by everything, I did not have the will to talk to people (even my parents), and by the end of the day I felt sad ending up crying a lot. For this whole pile up of that shit I will blame three things:

- my school, which expects their students to be nonstop studying robots who do nothing but study

- the current pandemic which really hit me after a solid year now

- my friends who've been calling me out for simply watching anime...


It took me nearly 2 months to get back just a little bit of more positive thinking that I was in April or May. From that point I decided it's time to clear out my old personality and begin a new internet identity. I chose the name "blurryface_" (later changed to "blurry_" for simplicity). This nickname was kinda inspired from one line in a song by "twenty one pilots" (talking about "Stressed Out", good song by the way for those modern people).

quoting: "My name's "blurryface" and I, care what you think."

I also started using Zero Two as my profile picture on socials mainly to riot against those "anti-weeaboo" people and show that anyone can be whoever they want. Either that character is your "waifu" or you simply like it, it's your choice.

From now on, just call me blurry for short and it should be good ;) Andriey is only at his tech corner, while the water cat well... rests...


   The Old Mushroom Jr. - a 13 year old experience so far...

written by officialandriey; started on: 07.04.2021, completed on: 07.04.2021 at 10:48 (GMT +1)

From the beginning of the Razorback server you may heard about the "Old Mushroom Jr." a regular, not so special PC from 2007/2008 running a Pentium Dual-Core E2160 1,8GHz at 3GB of RAM. "Not so special", eh? For me, it holds a special place in my mind and heart... from the moments when I was 3 years old. Join me for today's story how the "Old Mushroom Jr," keeps going after it's 13th birthday! -- Read more...


   We have been muted by government...

Posted on 10.02.2021 at 10:39 (GMT +1) by OfficialAndriey

Today, every media company in Poland went dark... TV, internet, radio; all playing the same message over and over... "Here, was supposed to be your favourite... channel, website, radio channel". And of course one TV channel that got a donation of 2 billion PLN (that was planned for children in hospitals) is still playing, and of course everything about this... is muted... Of course, COVID-19 is the main reason behind this outtage.

Polish government is just a fucking pile of shit...


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